The healthy and active aging intrinsic capacity of older people in the community through physical literacy and WHO Integrated Care for Older People (ICOPE)

Project Members
  • Principal Investigator
      Prof. Li-Chuan Lin (NCKU)
  • Co-investigator
    1. Prof. Jiunn-Jye Sheu (University of Toledo)
    2. Assoc. Prof. Raymond Kim-wai Sum (Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Purpose of Research

To examine the association between the Senior Physical Literacy Instrument (SUPPLI) score and the WHO ICOPE project for older adults among intrinsic capacity, social engagement, and self-care capacity about performing activities of daily living.

Research Methodology

This cross-sectional study will be conducted in 5-8 community centers in the south of Taiwan. 200 older adults aged 65 or older completed the 11-item SUPPLI (Cronbach's α=.9) and WHO ICOPE brief screening tool. Structural equational modeling analysis was used to examine the relationship between attitude, ability, intrinsic capacity social engagement, and self-care capacity, and the mediating role of intrinsic capacity in the relationships.


Current Progress

The ICOPE project is an international program developed by WHO, which can assess and promote intrinsic capacity. ICOPE comprises five domains: locomotion, cognition, psychological well-being, vitality, sensory (visual and hearing) capacity, and the social and physical environment an individual engages in to contribute to healthy aging. The ICOPE  and  SPPLI project implementation in 3 communities had been completed, and the intervention program campaign and scale-up to Singapore and Australia for transnational cooperation.


List of academic publications

  1. Liu, C. Y., Lin, L. L. C., &  Sheu, J. J.(2023) Upper body strength and cardiorespiratory fitness are the key physical competence of perceived physical literacy in active older adults. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness(under review)
  2. Chien-Yu Liu, Linda Lin, Bie-Ching Liu & Yu-Wen Chen, Michael Lo The Influence of Self-Tracking and Quantified Self Frequency to Functional Fitness and Perceived Physical Literacy of Community-Based Older Adults: A 3-year Longitudinal Study. 29th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services(accepted)


Scholarly events (conferences, workshops, symposia, and other events)

  1. Singapore scholars (Dr Kelvin Tan ,Head of Programme, Minor in Applied Ageing Studies of Singapore University of Social Sciences) visited to discuss cooperation matters in July. (18 persons from SUSS)
  2. PI and NCKU students to visit SUSS and do a workshop with our students in Gerontology to exchange the research and application of knowledge in August. (7persons )